Most folks that know me, know of my doula practice & natural products business Mothers Moon. Time spent beneath the full moon by myself or with others has always been very centering, peaceful, renewing & inspiring for me…. especially as it reflects over the water here at Freedom Pond. Because of that, when we first moved here in 1996, the art that I was doing, the herbal blends I made, the beeswax candles I dipped, the women’s gatherings, and all that sprang forth from me, I half jokingly called “Freedom Pond Moon-works“... long before I had any ideas of having a business. (being anti-establishment, the idea of registering an actual business was something that I had avoided for many years) . Then it came that my women's circle honored a very special full moon here one May, called the “Mothers Moon”, which I simply thought was just so beautiful and inspiring... and Mothers Moon was born.
Some folks know that The Barefoot Storyteller is a name I was given much longer ago, in my traveling days...of gathering children for stories and daisy-chain making. It was as my son grew out of his early childhood, that my persona as The Barefoot Storyteller seemed to be growing as well, and it too became a business. Quite a few folks of more recent years assume there is a direct connection to the name and my association with Barefoot Books, but that was no more than a happy accident.
Now in coming full circle, it may be in 2011 that, with my son's serious involvement in creating more of the arts and products, there is a chance of a return to being Freedom Pond Moonworks, for it could prove to be a fitting title for all that we do, together. I'm proud to have my son working at my side, and continuing to inspire me....hopefully I inspire him too! I am looking forward to whatever projects we may collaborate on in the coming year, and hopefully beyond.