workshops : performances : creations : art & theater : workshops : performances : creations

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Theseus and the Minotaur

Celebrating a wonderful performance from my most recent "Theseus" workshop! Theseus is one of my "Advanced Readers" workshops, and also has been part of my Storyteller Moon ORBS...information on both can be found on my website

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Etsy Shop on facebook

Added a "My Etsy Shop" button to my Storyteller Moon facebook page to make visiting the shop that much more seemless from there. Technology... is incredible.

You can also go directly to the themed page (which does offer it's own incentives that are totally seperate from me or my business) by clicking

Hope you like it!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy Anniversary to me!

I am so proud say that I have been a member of "Maine Made: America's Best" since January 2006.  Here's what MM has to say about the program:

"The unique products featured in this Web Site represent some of the finest craftsmanship available today. Over 2000 Maine companies offer a wealth of items created from wood, granite, field and farm. These products bring a sampling of Maine's rich resources right to your door. Please join us in celebrating these fine traditions. We hope you'll discover the beauty of Maine in all its detail."

You may visit my personal business profile here: 
Mothers Moon/ Storyteller Moon/ Freedom Pond Moonworks