Friday, May 19, 2017
Have stage, will travel....
Rolling into your town sometime in the near future, Straight Up Theatrical Productions...
[sponsored in part by Storyteller Moon]
Friday, August 7, 2015
Laughing Stock
Laughing Stock, at Lakewood Theater... perfect! If you have ever been involved in community theater, if you ever wanted to know what goes on 'behind the scenes' at community theater ...or you simply want to see a great play, this is a must see!
Performances to come on August 7th, 8th & 13th,14th,15th at 8pm, and matinees on August 9th at 4pm, and August 12th at 2pm & 7pm. Get your tickets here.
- See more at:
Performances to come on August 7th, 8th & 13th,14th,15th at 8pm, and matinees on August 9th at 4pm, and August 12th at 2pm & 7pm. Get your tickets here.
A Letter To Our Parents About Drama Class
by Justin Cash · November 29, 2014
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your son/daughter is studying Drama this term at school. You may not be aware of what the subject of Drama entails, so we thought we’d write you a note to let you know.
In Drama we play (a lot): Yes, this okay. I know you are thinking play should be left to lunch time in the school yard. But in Drama we play with scripts, props, costumes and even our minds. From play, stems some of our best material.
In Drama we use our imagination: This is how we become great thinkers. In Drama we like to think more about what something could be, rather than what it already is. We think outside the box and relish the opportunity to use our imaginations at any cost. Imagine that!
In Drama we love being creative: We like to ignore what most governments and curriculum authorities suggest by placing creativity at the top of our learning tree. We only have to look at some of our friends in school who do not study Drama, to see how difficult it really is to be truly creative. Regardless of what others may think, we know being creative in Drama makes us better learners in all our subjects at school. Could someone please tell our teachers that. We think a few of them missed the memo. For more information on the importance of creativity, please check the manufacturer of your iPhone or simply Google ‘Google’ to see how two of the most successful companies in the world have creativity in the workplace at the very core of their business model.
In Drama we engage: We love what we do in Drama class so much, we sometimes refer to it as our passion. Yep, even the boys. We learn about human relationships by working closely with classmates and through studying characters in play scripts, discover more about traditions in our own culture and others around the world, understand what community is just by looking around our class, get in touch with our emotions every lesson, and use higher order thinking skills like decision-making, interpreting, anaylsing, evaluating, and reviewing. In Drama we regularly use both sides of our brain at the same time – not as easy as it sounds! We love making things, exploring possibilities and taking risks. We also enjoy sharing our experiences in Drama with others through dramatising our own stories and those written by other people. Most of us do not have a problem staying back after school to paint the set for our class play, rehearse scripts at lunchtime with our friends, or even practice on weekends. When you are passionate about the subject you are studying, hard work becomes a challenge we enjoy and homework is just fun. We would like one whole day per week set aside for Drama class because most of us simply cannot get enough of it.
In Drama we don’t like desks: This is why we loathe the standard classroom as our Drama classroom. Where’s the room to move around and rehearse our drama plays with 28 desks and chairs in the room? We love space and usually need lots of it. Unfortunately, an active Drama classroom without chairs and desks in neat little rows looks like chaos to the uninitiated. The casual observer shrieks at the apparent lack of structure and learning taking place. But rest assured, we are probably learning more in Drama class today than those students down the hall asleep in the back of their lesson listening to the teacher talk on and on and on at the front of the room.
In Drama we make noise: This is where our friends do not understand us. You see, more often than not, we have to make noise in order to produce our drama plays. We sometimes wish our school administration could sound proof our classrooms or not keep timetabling us next door to the senior Maths class. They do not like noise, we discovered. It seems no one does. Some of our highest quality work in Drama happens while we are making noise. As a result, we learn collaboratively better than most students do, problem-solve as much as the Maths students, experiment more often than the Science students (we just don’t call them ‘experiments’) and do ‘presentations’ in class all the time!
In Drama we build confidence: ‘Confidence?’, I hear you say. It’s that life skill every young person needs but few subjects at school actually cater for. We are so confident about confidence we would even argue it is a by-product of our study, yet still offer you a guarantee of obtaining confidence if you study Drama. Some of our students have confidence in spades. These tend to drive their other teachers up the wall. Other students begin a course in Drama with little confidence and leave at the end with a healthy dose of confidence needed for good living. At many schools, the secret is out that studying Drama gives you more confidence. But sadly, other schools are yet to learn this.
In Drama we create life-long memories: Mushy as it might sound, we often create moments in the course of our study that become life-long memories. Some of us are not always aware of it at the time, but after leaving high school it is often the things connected to Drama that become fond memories for us for years to come. Many of us will find ourselves dreaming in the middle of the night of our high school musical, sitting in the car at traffic lights reciting a random line from a Year 9 Drama play, or simply recalling school life as a positive experience because of Drama. As Drama is such a collaborative art form, these experiences with others are sure to become rich memories for decades.
In Drama we are prepared for both university and life: Just because things like standardised testing don’t fit neatly with aspects of our subject (we know you curriculum guys are still struggling measuring creativity), doesn’t mean in Drama we don’t learn important skills. Clever students often study Drama in the senior school even when they have no intention of a career in the performing arts industry or arts education. Those that go on to study Law and Medicine at university, for example, realise how important language, problem-solving, communication skills and confidence are in those professions. So they still study Drama at the top end of high school in order to obtain these skills. Not everyone who studies Drama wants to be an actor or a Drama teacher. Heck no! The skills we learn in Drama class are universal skills that prepare us for university and life after university as well. If only more people knew this!
Next time your son/daughter discusses with you his/her interest for further study in Drama at school, please refer to the contents of this letter.
Yours sincerely,
The Drama Teacher.
Your son/daughter is studying Drama this term at school. You may not be aware of what the subject of Drama entails, so we thought we’d write you a note to let you know.
In Drama we play (a lot): Yes, this okay. I know you are thinking play should be left to lunch time in the school yard. But in Drama we play with scripts, props, costumes and even our minds. From play, stems some of our best material.
In Drama we use our imagination: This is how we become great thinkers. In Drama we like to think more about what something could be, rather than what it already is. We think outside the box and relish the opportunity to use our imaginations at any cost. Imagine that!
In Drama we love being creative: We like to ignore what most governments and curriculum authorities suggest by placing creativity at the top of our learning tree. We only have to look at some of our friends in school who do not study Drama, to see how difficult it really is to be truly creative. Regardless of what others may think, we know being creative in Drama makes us better learners in all our subjects at school. Could someone please tell our teachers that. We think a few of them missed the memo. For more information on the importance of creativity, please check the manufacturer of your iPhone or simply Google ‘Google’ to see how two of the most successful companies in the world have creativity in the workplace at the very core of their business model.
In Drama we engage: We love what we do in Drama class so much, we sometimes refer to it as our passion. Yep, even the boys. We learn about human relationships by working closely with classmates and through studying characters in play scripts, discover more about traditions in our own culture and others around the world, understand what community is just by looking around our class, get in touch with our emotions every lesson, and use higher order thinking skills like decision-making, interpreting, anaylsing, evaluating, and reviewing. In Drama we regularly use both sides of our brain at the same time – not as easy as it sounds! We love making things, exploring possibilities and taking risks. We also enjoy sharing our experiences in Drama with others through dramatising our own stories and those written by other people. Most of us do not have a problem staying back after school to paint the set for our class play, rehearse scripts at lunchtime with our friends, or even practice on weekends. When you are passionate about the subject you are studying, hard work becomes a challenge we enjoy and homework is just fun. We would like one whole day per week set aside for Drama class because most of us simply cannot get enough of it.
In Drama we don’t like desks: This is why we loathe the standard classroom as our Drama classroom. Where’s the room to move around and rehearse our drama plays with 28 desks and chairs in the room? We love space and usually need lots of it. Unfortunately, an active Drama classroom without chairs and desks in neat little rows looks like chaos to the uninitiated. The casual observer shrieks at the apparent lack of structure and learning taking place. But rest assured, we are probably learning more in Drama class today than those students down the hall asleep in the back of their lesson listening to the teacher talk on and on and on at the front of the room.
In Drama we make noise: This is where our friends do not understand us. You see, more often than not, we have to make noise in order to produce our drama plays. We sometimes wish our school administration could sound proof our classrooms or not keep timetabling us next door to the senior Maths class. They do not like noise, we discovered. It seems no one does. Some of our highest quality work in Drama happens while we are making noise. As a result, we learn collaboratively better than most students do, problem-solve as much as the Maths students, experiment more often than the Science students (we just don’t call them ‘experiments’) and do ‘presentations’ in class all the time!
In Drama we build confidence: ‘Confidence?’, I hear you say. It’s that life skill every young person needs but few subjects at school actually cater for. We are so confident about confidence we would even argue it is a by-product of our study, yet still offer you a guarantee of obtaining confidence if you study Drama. Some of our students have confidence in spades. These tend to drive their other teachers up the wall. Other students begin a course in Drama with little confidence and leave at the end with a healthy dose of confidence needed for good living. At many schools, the secret is out that studying Drama gives you more confidence. But sadly, other schools are yet to learn this.
In Drama we create life-long memories: Mushy as it might sound, we often create moments in the course of our study that become life-long memories. Some of us are not always aware of it at the time, but after leaving high school it is often the things connected to Drama that become fond memories for us for years to come. Many of us will find ourselves dreaming in the middle of the night of our high school musical, sitting in the car at traffic lights reciting a random line from a Year 9 Drama play, or simply recalling school life as a positive experience because of Drama. As Drama is such a collaborative art form, these experiences with others are sure to become rich memories for decades.
In Drama we are prepared for both university and life: Just because things like standardised testing don’t fit neatly with aspects of our subject (we know you curriculum guys are still struggling measuring creativity), doesn’t mean in Drama we don’t learn important skills. Clever students often study Drama in the senior school even when they have no intention of a career in the performing arts industry or arts education. Those that go on to study Law and Medicine at university, for example, realise how important language, problem-solving, communication skills and confidence are in those professions. So they still study Drama at the top end of high school in order to obtain these skills. Not everyone who studies Drama wants to be an actor or a Drama teacher. Heck no! The skills we learn in Drama class are universal skills that prepare us for university and life after university as well. If only more people knew this!
Next time your son/daughter discusses with you his/her interest for further study in Drama at school, please refer to the contents of this letter.
Yours sincerely,
The Drama Teacher.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
I've recently been out spreading the word for the Recycled Shakespeare Company, reminding everyone that the 451st birthday of the great bard William Shakespeare will be celebrated on Waterville Main Street Thursday, April 23rd, with an all day event! Weather permitting we will start on the Concourse on the stage behind Barrels Community Market at 10 am. Join costumed readers and revelers as they parade down Silver Street to Main Street.
At the REM Forum sonnets will be read and songs sung and the public
is invited to bring lunch and enjoy the performance. At 1 pm the
parading continues up Main Street to Selah Tea Cafe
where more sonnets and entertainment will run from 2pm to 7pm. All 154
sonnets will be read throughout the day. Everyone is invited to sign up
to read a sonnet or two or do a favorite Shakespearian monologue at
either location. Last year we filled every slot and we hope to repeat
the exhilarating success. All ages are welcome and no special talent is
required. Please contact Emily Fournier at 314-8607 or
recycledshakespeare@gmail. com
if you would like to participate. Costumes are encouraged although not
required. This is the second annual Shakespeare birthday celebration
presented by the Recycled Shakespeare Company. This year's event will
include a simulcast sonnet with St. Anselm College in New Hampshire
which has been doing this festival for over 30 years!
Also coming up, auditions for the next Recycled Shakespeare Company play, "A Comedy of Errors", will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14th and 15th, from 4pm to 8 pm. Performances will be in June.
Also coming up, auditions for the next Recycled Shakespeare Company play, "A Comedy of Errors", will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14th and 15th, from 4pm to 8 pm. Performances will be in June.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Literacy Connections
Monday, March 16, 2015
Little Felt Piggies
So here is the thing about crafting felt animals as a special request; it allows you to explore the creative process in striving to get things "just right" in the eyes of another. There are six little piggies in all, and there are six different sets of ears, six different tails, there are four different snouts, three different porkiness levels, and of course there is; just pink, brown spotted, and black spotted. Customer satisfied...and now I have five extra piggies for sale!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The Ghost of Jacob Marley.... from the Mount View Drama Program's production of "A Christmas Carol". (with special thanks to the Mount View Chamber Singers)
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Fairytale Fundraising
Most everyone here knows about my book groups and workshops. And most everyone here knows about my fund raising programs, which include a selection of my needle and wet felted art, handcrafted masks, puppets, hand dyed playsilks,
and other fun things; and carefully chosen companies'
products that further nurture children's creativity,
with a portion of all sales donated to local organizations.
Now I have the opportunity to offer both in one, with a Fairy Tale Theme.
Invite your favorite adults over for a "Fairytales and Cocktails Party" (or mocktails, if you prefer), a fun and festive evening that starts as I share books and lead a discussion of the enduring power of fairy tales, followed by the chance to purchase a selection of titles we have talked about. A portion of those sales will then be donated to the cause or event of your choice.
talk to me about adding yours to my list, or contact me about larger
fund raisers; possible through performances, on-site vending, the sale
of specific art through my etsy shops, or through Barefoot Books Book
Fairs, catalog or on-line ordering.
Fairy Tales,
fund raising,
storyteller moon
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Art Cards

How very incredible is it to be able to say, "Oh! I have a business networking event coming up...guess it's time to paint some new cards!" Stop by my table at the Belfast area 'Best of the Best' event, Monday August 18th from 5pm - 8pm at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center, and take home your own free little piece of original Storyteller Moon art...which just happens to have some of my business information on the back! :) A silent auction will take place from 5:30pm to 7:30pm, and you'll have a chance to bid on some other items from Storyteller Moon, Mothers Moon, and Barefoot On The Moon.
art cards,
best of the best,
storyteller moon
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Recycled Shakespeare Company actor Jakob Sutton (you may remember him as Lysander in Midsummer Night's Dream) will be appearing on stage at Lakewood Theater this month in the *Teen, Tech & Tour* production of Tim Kelly's 'Flapper' under the direction of Midge Merrill Pomelow of Midge's Theatre Arts Studio
First performance will be Saturday July 12th at 10am, with tickets available at the box office one hour before showtime. Then after a week of touring the musical numbers from the show at numerous convalescent & nursing homes in central Maine, they return to perform again upon the main stage Saturday July 19th at 10am.
First performance will be Saturday July 12th at 10am, with tickets available at the box office one hour before showtime. Then after a week of touring the musical numbers from the show at numerous convalescent & nursing homes in central Maine, they return to perform again upon the main stage Saturday July 19th at 10am.
Disclaimer: Jakob also just happens to be my son
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Teacher Appreciation Week!
I had an absolutely wonderful walk to the mailbox this morning to find it half full of cards and notes from former 'students' celebrating *me* during teacher appreciation week! I feel so honored! Artful cards from the young, notes from students of ago updating me on their new projects, and even cards of thanks from fellow teachers sharing how they are using methods from my workshops in their own classrooms! Thank you one and all!
storyteller moon,
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Belfast Art Market
Belfast Art Market is getting ready for the season!! Happy to be bringing my felt art again this year
Belfast Art Market,
felt art,
storyteller moon
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Curtain Up Enterprises
Curtain Up Enterprises has joined with "Good Search" to raise funds! Just by clicking on the link below, a percentage of your purchase through Good Search will be donated to the Lakewood Theater. (and you all know how much I love the Lakewood Theater!)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
Maine Celtic Celebration
Storyteller Moon is excited to be found at the Maine Celtic Celebration, July 20th, in Belfast (Maine) as part of the Searsport Art Market Artisans!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Dot Package
Offering this special gift package in honor of everyone who participated in Storyteller Moon's International Dot Day event: Includes a copy of 'The Dot' in hardcover, a Storyteller Moon blank dot journal, a mini paint kit, all the be wrapped up in a Mothers Moon playsilk! $28
mothers moon,
storyteller moon
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Theseus and the Minotaur
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Etsy Shop on facebook
Added a "My Etsy Shop" button to my Storyteller Moon facebook page to make visiting the shop that much more seemless from there. Technology... is incredible.
You can also go directly to the themed page (which does offer it's own incentives that are totally seperate from me or my business) by clicking
Hope you like it!
You can also go directly to the themed page (which does offer it's own incentives that are totally seperate from me or my business) by clicking
Hope you like it!
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