International Puppets for Peace Day was initiated seven years ago after 9/11. The inspiration for it was the image of many hearts and hands around the world focusing on the good. You are invited to join the many others on six continents and celebrate Peace through Story and Puppetry. There can be puppet shows big and small, in public venues, in the quiet of your home, in classroom, school community, well practiced, or spontaneous. They all contribute to the powerful joy-bringing healing of the world. Sharing puppet stories that let goodness shine out, that bring to life cooperation between people, that warm our hearts and make us laugh with the wonder of life, can become story seeds that help us understand the world, and all that is unique and universal in it's people. It is held on Michaelmas Day, September 29th, a day to remind us we can be courageous in the face of chaos, and the "dragons" of the world.
(with all due respect to my friend Herb...they're talking about the un-friendly type)
Wishing you Peace and Happy Puppetry,
Dawnella -
The Barefoot Storyteller
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