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Saturday, January 2, 2010

The StoryBox Project

Are You:

A student whose teacher told you that you should publish that story.
A writer who is looking for new audiences for your work.
A storyteller who knows the value of sharing stories.
A parent who wants to let people know about your favorite aunt or uncle
A social activist who wants to share a narrative about change
A dreamer who just wants to tell us about the worlds you create
A person who is proud of their country’s tradition and wants others in the world to know about it:


Share your stories by sending them to us so that we can place them in the international/national Story Boxes. These Story Boxes are shared with new audiences in places in and around the world. Hundreds and thousands of people will read them. A teacher may use the story to help their classroom. A storyteller may perform your story to a group of kids. We have had people published as a result of reading their story in the Story Box. A community organizer may share their story to help others value their community. A child may create their own world based on your imagination. We guarantee the story will travel and with each new place, new readers will discover your story.

The Story Box is designed to help share the global world of stories. The narrative either we make up or we live is worth sharing with others. No story is edited. We do ask that you mark it for kids /adults or both. It is simply placed in the Story Box. However, when you fill out the story form,(see below) people are encouraged to let you know where the story travels and what they did with it. Don’t be surprised to hear from others around the world about your story. Kids write the authors. Other writers share ideas. Your writing is part of the Global sharing experiences.

Drop Off Box

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